
The Single Most Crucial Key To Your Network Marketing Success

Were you real excited and hopeful when you joined your last MLM company? 2 months later you joined the 95% of the other watch repair tools people who also failed at making any real money.We could talk about 20 different "keys to success" in network marketing. But today I feel it is important to focus on the single MOST important key to success. Get this wrong going out of the starting gate, and you will fight an uphill battle.What is the MOST IMPORTANT KEY? ------- Pick the RIGHT MLM Company.Here are 5 critical elements to look for:1. First, what is the nature of the competition in the field your are looking at? You want a product with an untapped and HUGE Wide-Open Market.2. Is the Network marketing product in high demand and does it have staying power for the next 25 years? Or has the product become just an over-priced commodity that you can also find at Costco?3. The Retention Rate (people on autoship) of the Network Marketing industry is 15%. It's important that your product is highly sought after and loved, so you can have a 90% or better retention rate.4. Low Start-Up Cost. This is especially critical in a down economy like we are experiencing. Your recruiting and new associate sign-ups will falter and slow way down if you have high sign-up costs. This equates into very slow or even no business opportunity growth.5. A Great Compensation Plan that rewards everyone. It pays big rewards for those who just want to retail products. It pays big rewards for those who's passion it is to grow a huge downline with many legs.One other thing. Most MLM nutritional and juice products are priced too high for our current economy. These Network Marketing companies are already feeling the pinch as their autoship retention rate is taking a nose dive.The best MLM company to be a part of is one that has a product that helps people 'make money' in these difficult times. The company and products should help the new recruits feel better about themselves too and give them hope for Iphone 4s Cases a brighter future.

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